Pacific Bluefin Tuna Recovery

posted in: Pacific | 0

The recovery of Pacific bluefin tuna has achieved a major milestone by exceeding international targets a decade ahead of schedule, According to NOAA Fisheries. The rebuilding of Pacific bluefin tuna involved cooperative efforts by International organizations across the Pacific to … Continued

2018 ICCAT Annual Meeting

posted in: Atlantic | 0

The 2018 ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) Annual Meeting netted mixed bag of progress including new management plans, current measure, rollovers, and stalled proposals. Overall 12 new Recommendations and two Resolutions were adopted covering relevant issues … Continued

2017 Annual ICCAT Meeting

posted in: Atlantic | 0

Members from around the world tackled management challenges for tunas, swordfish, and sharks at the 2017 annual meeting of International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), held in Marrakech, Morocco. This year more than 700 delegates representing 47 … Continued

2016 Annual ICCAT Meeting

posted in: Atlantic | 0

The 20th annual meeting of International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) was held recently in Vilamoura, Portugal. This year more than 600 delegates representing 51 governments gathered to discuss a number of important measures that advance the … Continued