2018 ICCAT Annual Meeting

posted in: Atlantic | 0

The 2018 ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) Annual Meeting netted mixed bag of progress including new management plans, current measure, rollovers, and stalled proposals. Overall 12 new Recommendations and two Resolutions were adopted covering relevant issues … Continued

Wisconsin Aquaculture Conference 2019

posted in: Aquaculture, Events | 0

24th Annual Wisconsin Aquaculture Conference February 15-16, 2019 Eau Claire, Wisconsin The Wisconsin Aquaculture Conference is for interested farmers, aquaculture beginners, and current producers. This conference is a great way to connect with the industry, learn from the experts, and … Continued

Fairlead Boatworks Newport News Expansion

posted in: Mid Atlantic | 0

Fairlead Boatworks announced a major and far reaching expansion to its current operations in Newport News’ Seafood Industrial Park (SIP). The investment being made exceeds $5 million and will result in a significant and immediate increase in the size and … Continued