photo credit: Mississippi Department of Marine Resources
Shrimpers reported good catches on June 6th, the opening day of the 2016 Mississippi shrimp season, according to Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR).
“The fishermen that braved the weather reported decent catches of 50-60/60-70 brown shrimp with a good number of 16-20 white shrimp mixed in,” said Rick Burris, director of MDMR’s Shrimp and Crab Bureau.
MDMR estimated that more than 250 boats were in Mississippi Sound before daylight Monday, awaiting the start of the 2016 shrimp season.
Although harsh weather prevented an aerial vessel survey, officials on the water counted roughly 255 shrimp vessels in the Mississippi Sound, with the majority working south of Deer Island. More boats were expected as the weather improved.
The commercial shrimping seasons opens in Mississippi territorial waters when MDMR’s sampling confirms shrimp have reached the required legal size of 68-count per pound.
source: Mississippi Department of Marine Resources